So much of modern communication is done via text or email, including fan mail. It makes sense and, honestly, saves on the cost of envelopes, stamps, time.
But how refreshing to receive this note from a 5th-grade teacher in Arizona:
Dear Jaxon,
Thank you for your terrific letter, which arrived today via snail mail. You must be an old soul. I’m so glad that you enjoyed . . .
Hey, wait a minute. You hit a double? One-handed?
WOW! I am not worthy!
Anyway, ha, that’s pretty impressive. But honestly, the most impressive part was that even though you were injured, you still wanted to take the field with your team. Play the game, wear the uniform, cheer for your teammates. I love that.
My oldest son, Nick, inspired the heart of Six Innings. While he was undergoing treatment for leukemia, a type of cancer, Nick still played for his Little League team. And it was a struggle. He was often tired, weak, not at his best. But to him, it was about belonging. Being as normal as possible. Winning and losing with his friends. Just being a regular kid.
So, yeah, Jaxon, I hear you loud and clear. My Little League days as a player were long ago. But like you, I can still remember specific moments with teammates, games, plays that happened 50 years ago. I mean, that’s crazy. But it’s another reason why I wrote that book. Because I knew in my bones that these experiences matter to young people. We care so much. It means a lot -— even though life is big and, in the scheme of things, a Little League game is next to meaningless. But at the time, in that moment, it’s the whole world.
Hopefully your wrist has fully healed and you will be back and better than ever. And thank you for expressing interest in my other books. I’ve written a lot of them.
My book, Blood Mountain, just went into paperback (cheap!). It’s a wilderness survival thriller about two siblings and their dog lost in the mountains. And if you enjoy scary stories, you might like my new collection, Scary Tales: 3 Spooky Stories in 1. It’s 300 pages but fast-paced and easy to read.
Thanks again, my friend,
James Preller
P.S. In case you are wondering, Nick is healthy now, living in NYC, and recently married. A big thank you to all the heroic doctors and nurses who care for children with life-threatening illnesses. Those people are amazing.
NOTE: One of the benefits of snail mail is that I typically include a NY Mets baseball card with my letters. So at least there’s something of value in that envelope. In this case, since Jaxon is clearly a fan (like me), I sent along a few.