You know those annoying, pestering people who have to share everything? Every great experience they ever had, they want you to have. They are constantly pressing books into your hands, making you stop to look at some stupid lake, insisting that you try a specific dish at a new restaurant, or listen to a song rightthisverysecond, or keep hounding you about a movie you absolutely have to see.
Confession: I’m one of those people. So here’s a round-up of some of the things I needed to share.
* My oldest boy, Nick, age 16, is a huge fan of The Office. We watched the wedding episode together last week. In it, Dwight wears his Three Wolf Moon T-shirt.
The shirt has become a cultural phenomenon, so as a surprise I bought it for Nick. And for a brief few moments, I became the coolest dad on the block (it’s a short block). As I type this, the shirt is currently #2 in clothing sales on Amazon, with 1,508 mostly hysterical reviews.
* At Children’s Book Day at Sunnyside, I sat next to author Charise Mericle Harper. She writes the Grace books. I got a really good feeling about her; she seemed real, not the least bit phony. I think we both have eight-year-old daughters. I’m charmed by her website (added to my blog roll), the creativity and humor. Her blend of hand-lettered text and illustration reminds me of Lynda Barry — and that’s a huge compliment. Anyway: Please read this about a bookstore signing gone bad, then good! It’s freakingfantastic.
* Last night, members of Monty Python celebrated their 40th anniversary. Have you ever asked yourself: Self, what are the 20 Greatest Monty Python skits ever filmed? Here’s a contender:
* I recently discovered the joys of Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s Inky Girl blog (aptly subtitled: “Daily Diversions for Writers”). For your convenience and mine, I’ve posted the link under “Random Pleasures” on my blog roll. Debbie does many things well, but one of my favorite features is her “Comics for Writers” series.
* It takes a certain kind of typography nut/cheese freak to enjoy this site. Link sent to me by my old pal, Ellen Miles.
* Imagine that you lived in a movie. Who would be the most fearsome movie teacher of all? This site proposes 13 strong candidates. Can you think of any others?
* Lastly, I’m very excited because I just bought two tickets to see one of my all-time musical heroes, the great Ray Davies, “rock’s most literate songwriter.” I’ve never sat down to try to figure out my list of Top 100 Songs of All-Time, and I probably shouldn’t, but I have to believe this tune would be near the top:
A couple of other easy picks would be “To Live Is To Fly” by Townes Van Zant, “Girl from the North Country” by Bob Dylan (which Liam Clancy performs beautifully, here — with such depth of emotion, regret, loss: I need you to hear it and love it rightthisverysecond ) . . . and, hey, wait a minute! You can’t trick me into this impossible task. My brain would explode.