Here’s a meme that resonated with me, and it might do you some good, too (more thoughts below):
I published my first official book in 1986, though I made many books with spare paper and tape as a young kid, probably starting around 1966. So it’s been a long time of me making things.
And a very long and hard time of me beating myself up over all those times when I’m not-making-things.
Of me being uninspired, or lazy, or too slow and dim-witted, unoriginal, shiftless, and on and on. All the hateful words.
How does one write without a generous heaping of self-loathing?
I’ll never know.
But I am not so far gone that I can’t see my own ridiculousness. I can look on my book shelves and see that I did some work along the way, and it’s not all terrible and useless.
Lately I’ve been in a fallow period.
Lacking in some essential thing.
An empty vessel in need of filling up.
And thus, the meme.
Remembering that I’m a human, not a machine, not a bot, not an AI program.
I’m learning — I’m trying to say — to give myself a break. Because I’m doing the best I can. That has to be enough.