In addition to the relentless snowbooking, I’ve been putting in time over at my new blog, FATHERS READ, which is dedicated to 1) fun photos of men reading; and 2) the importance of positive role models for boy readers.
Note: I want to pause for a moment to emphasize that these gender issues often devolve into an “us” versus “them” scenario, the boys against the girls, with advocates for each side lined up in opposition. This is unfortunate and counter-productive. What we want is readers, boys and girls. Yes, I wrote: the importance of positive role models on BOY readers. Because that’s my focus here, the statistical fact that boys do not read as much as girls. But on a larger scale, the fathers read movement — ha! — benefits boys and girls. I’m not pitting one against the other.
Please check it out, spread the word, send in photos. Things are eerily quiet over there, it’s the proverbial tree falling in the forest. It’s a new blog and generally these things either take time or die on the vine. Right now, it’s too soon to tell.
Over the past two weeks:
* Author Lois Lowry tugged at my heart;
* Author Lewis Buzbee stopped by to contribute, “Five Things About Me as a Young Reader.”
* Peter Lerangis, author of many outstanding books, got fierce about reading.
* I’ve linked to useful, provocative articles on tips for boy-friendly educational approaches, the culture of low expectations, research that suggests how video games might actually boost brainpower, super dad seminars, 14 literacy strategies for boys, and more.
* Identified some pretty excellent father-based blogs.
* And for as long as supplies last . . . photos. Really great photos.
Please do what you can to amplify this important message.
Promote the site on your blog . . .
Send in a photo . . .
Honor a man who played a role in your development as a reader . . .
Don’t make me beg, people.