I’m headed down to NYC to catch a concert and to celebrate a pending birthday. This poem has been in my computer for a couple of years, fussed with and ignored in equal measure, so figured I’d throw it out there. Just because.
he was puttering in the yard
spreading fertilizer w/ a coffee can
alone except for the failing sun
& all that sky above
what did he think when his heart
gave out?
was there that flash of knowing bright as foil
the glimmering chord of a twelve-string
struck? a chime of bells,
what the bells told:
—————–death on the lawn,
they tolled him
I imagine
he lay half-broken, half-dreaming
“I’ll take tiger mountain by dawn . . .”
—–& maybe find a little boat
conjure some small craft to carry me
——-((be sure to place pennies on my lids
to pay the ferryman
& so with a push set out splash upon the water
yes always drawn to that liquid space
of the mind, & the lively open air
maybe toss a line, see what bites
heading home, heading out — wind
in the face! –- hold near, hold steady
to that resting
——& splat I fell flat asunder
chopped down like an old oak, timber!
rotten to the core — damnedest thing, damnedest thing
I ever saw
did he gaze at a last white rock
& finally see the thing true & clear or say
an ant climbing a blade or
the clouds gray & immense above or
think of her
———–his wife his love his life
Annie watching television unawares
chomping on her famous glass of ice or
smell deep the grass, the earth
so rich the loam, so glad the glade
kind of amazing when you get right down
to it
—–the lateness of the hour . . .
cue the fading
lights, curtains
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