Fan Mail Wednesday #58 (Thursday Edition)

Let’s do it!

Dear Mr. Preller,
The Jigsaw Jones Mystery’s that you wrote are100,000,000% Awesome! I want to be a mystery book writer too. It’s so cool that Jigsaw and his partner Mila solve the crime really, really well! I’ve even started my all new crime mystery service and I have codes. How do you write so well?

Your #1 fan, Catherine Holt.

P.S. If you ever see a book called ” Inventions”, That’s my book!

I replied:

Dear Catherine,

YIPPEE! My Number One Fan! That’s so awesome! Where have you been hiding? Last week I heard from my #54,237th fan (he was lukewarm, at best; okay, actually, he was my cousin and wanted to borrow money). Believe me, it was not nearly as thrilling as hearing from my . . . Number . . . One . . . Fan.

Hold on while I jump around and celebrate.

Okay, whew, I’m back.

Seriously, Catherine, thanks for the compliment. It makes me happy. I can’t believe that you’ve got your own Mystery Service. Is there a lot of crime where you live? Maybe you should move to a safer neighborhood.

I made a note of your name, Catherine Holt. And let me tell you, that’s a great name for a writer. A strong name. Catherine Holt, author. No, wait. Catherine Holt, bestselling author. There you go.

I’ll look for your name when I’m in bookstores, and one day I’ll pick up one of your books from the shelves. I’ll remember this letter, and think, “Wow, my number one fan . . . she really did it!”

And I’ll write you a nice letter. Maybe even become your #1 fan.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, Catherine Holt, and good luck in school next year!

My best,


PS: Here’s two quick codes for you. The first is an alternate letter code, the second is an IPPY code.



If you can solve them, put the answers in the comments section. If not, I’ll wait a week and put them in myself.

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