Cool image created by Scholastic Australia — as in: actual Australia — promoting the first book in the “EXIT 13” series — you know, the place with wombats and kangaroos, and koalas eating eucalyptus leaves — whereas the second one in the series, where things really get bananas, titled THE SPACES IN BETWEEN, comes out August 1st. I still haven’t seen it yet, but I hear it’s pretty good! Ages 8-12.
Thanks for stopping by. We are in the “Summer Hours” phase. It’s too hot to read blogs. People are vacationing.
I will post randomly. Meanwhile: Many, many good things are happening behind the scenes. I sold three books that I can’t talk about, and I’m handing in a middle-grade novel in a few days. A range of things. I’m happy & proud of what I’ve done. But more on that later, the pride thing, believing in the work and standing behind it. Even though the world is indifferent. Doesn’t matter.
Oh! Anyway, the cool image . . .