No, I never did learn how to pronounce it. But last week I enjoyed a visit at Tokeneke School in Darien, Connecticut. Just a really nice day in a beautiful new building, filled with more than 400 pre-kindergarten through fifth graders. Great, happy, vibrant kids. Not to mention Rose, the cafeteria lady, who makes a mean tuna sandwich. So if you are ever in Darien looking for a meal, find Rose and she’ll set you up real nice. With chips, too.
I did my usual author thing. Lately I’ve been busting some new moves with a microphone, but the last time I attempted a Roger Daltry twirl I knocked the principal unconscious. She was not amused. So I’ve scaled back to more of a Phil Donahue thing. I also lunched with two small groups of 2nd and 3rd graders. Special thanks to Sue McLean and the rest of the fabulous “Enrichment Ladies” for making the day a success. It was my first trip to Connecticut as a visiting dignitary — but hopefully not my last.
A word about these pictures: I chipped a front tooth and hadn’t gotten it repaired yet — I felt like Jethro Bodine from “Beverly Hillbillies” — so I refused to open my mouth for photos.
its pronounced TOW-keh-neek….hope you enjoyed it.