Tag Archive for Authors who do Zoom Visits

FAN MAIL WEDNESDAY #337: Zoom Visit Followup!


I haven’t shared many letters recently. Partly that’s because fan mail has dropped off (the pandemic and, I gather, my own popularity) and partly because many have felt repetitive or just, you know, not worth blogging. 


I enjoyed a fast, easy, inexpensive Zoom Visit with an enthusiastic class a while back. It happened, we did it, life moved on. What impact did it make? Who knows!

So it was especially lovely to receive this email the other day: 


Dear James Preller,

My students are still enjoying Bystander! Someone loved the Upstander book so much, that I haven’t seen it since I loaned it to them. What a great problem to have as it is being shared from student to student! 🙂 Students really connected to your characters.
Here in Summerside, PE, students are wondering if you will ever write Griffin’s story. They think a Bystander part two would be amazing.
The want to know what authors inspired you and if you are working on anything new?
Thank you for your time and all the best to you and yours.
Stacy T______
Summerside Intermediate School
I replied:
It’s nice to hear from you. And yes, a “missing” book is encouraging news!
I haven’t spent a lot of time exploring Fan Fiction, but I love the idea of these characters living on in the writing of young readers. Maybe some of your students would like to give it a shot?
Part of why I’m attracted to Griffin’s story is because I think it would give us a more sympathetic, nuanced understanding of “the bully.” I enjoyed writing about Griffin again in Upstander, though I dreaded revisiting the ketchup scene, which had only happened “off stage” in Bystander.
I am currently writing a wilderness survival story for grades 3-5 involving wildfire. I want to make it fast-paced and exciting. At this stage, I haven’t started writing — I’m doing research, reading a lot, and taking notes. Every writer is different. But for me, I seem to require a long period of rumination before actually setting words down on the page. Unfortunately, all this pondering, or marinating, looks a lot like doing nothing at all. I don’t have a lot to show for it. Yet!
I’m also revising a picture book manuscript. I love picture books, but it’s very hard to get them published. A have at least 10 that I think are perfectly publishable. But no publisher seems to agree.
My best,
James Preller