CULTIVATING CREATIVITY: Tips & Strategies, Part 1

Once upon a time, I sent a message to a variety of children’s authors and illustrators. People who are my friends. And I asked a favor. As someone who purports to “teach” writing — much more guide on the side than sage on stage — I had begun to think that being creative — thinking & living & breathing creativity — was a very important part of it. But what do the best in the business do to cultivate that creativity within themselves? I was curious to learn any tips or suggestions. 
Unfortunately, I dropped the ball for a variety of reasons, months pushed past, leaves budded and fell, but I’m here to say that I have recovered the fumble!
To get things rolling, here is the letter I sent . . . 
As you may know, I sometimes teach a zoom class for adults interested in writing for children. In fact, many authors and illustrators have generously volunteered to spend time with my students over the past few years, sharing, inspiring, and supporting these aspirational writers and dreamers. 
One theme that we’ve returned to a lot this year is Cultivating Our Creativity. 

It’s not just a matter of waiting for the magic. 

Many writers will actively do things to help prepare the ground for creativity. They start each morning by free writing for five minutes. They keep lists of possible book titles or themes. They do yoga, they take walks, they create stacks of index cards, they visit bookstores, write a haiku, seek out a favorite book, whatever. 

What do you do to help keep those home fires burning?

I would love to create a series of blog posts that gather together different tips & strategies that REAL AUTHORS & ILLUSTRATORS (that’s you!) employ to help your creative process along. 

I think it would be fascinating & helpful & inspiring to read.

So I’m asking a you to submit your thoughts, 25 to 150 words or thereabouts, nothing too onerous, outlining your personal methods. Maybe it’s just one quick tip. Maybe your have deeper thoughts to share. That’s your call.

Thanks for playing along. And I totally understand if you’d rather not bother. It’s okay. 

Many thanks. 

NOTE: I received answers and will be sharing responses from the following (generous, kind, talented) authors (in no particular order):

Lizzy Rockwell

Travis Jonker

London Ladd

Paul Acampora

Nick Bruel

Vikram Madan

Diana Murray

Matt McElligott

Jeff Mack

Eugene Yelchin

Michelle Knudsen


And who knows, maybe more authors & illustrators will jump aboard! 

One comment

  1. Ann says:

    Cool! Looking forward….

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