Fresh from my Skype visit, I received this kind note from North Carolina, which is an actual state in the United States.
Thanks again for the wonderful Skype session today! My classes had some great discussions about the responses that you gave to their questions! It was an incredible experience for them, and me!
I would love to purchase a Bystander poster. Please let me know if you have such a thing to offer.
I finished The Fall today. I loved it, too! I ordered The Bell Jar because I am very curious after you referenced it several times in the text.
I am attaching a photo from our session today. Our media specialist may have more, but this is the only one that she sent me.
I am looking forward to ordering your latest book! Also, my students are begging me to read The Fall to them. I have asked our guidance counselor to read it first to make sure that she thought it would be ok as a read aloud. It obviously touches on a more sensitive topic than Bystander. It will definitely be made available for checkout to my students either way.
Thanks so much!
I replied . . .
Dear Susan,
Thank you for this note and the photo. Was I really that dark during the Skype? Or is it just the photo? I wonder if I should focus on proper lighting in the future.
I enjoyed the questions and the experience, thank you for making it happen.

I’m proud of that book and know that many readers, generally grades 7-up, have been enthusiastic about it. The book was nominated for the Sakura Medal in Japan and listed in the 2017 ALA midwinter meetings (by YALSA) as a “quick pick” for reluctant readers.
If this is any help, I’ve listed some review comments below.
“Readers will put this puzzle together, eager to see whether Sam ultimately accepts his role in Morgan’s death, and wanting to see the whole story of what one person could have, and should have, done for Morgan. Pair this with Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons Why (2007).” — Booklist.
“Told through journal entries, Preller’s latest novel expertly captures the protagonist’s voice, complete with all of its sarcasm, indifference, and, at the same time, genuine remorse.” — School Library Journal.
“With its timely, important message and engaging prose style, Sam’s journal ought to find a large readership.” (Fiction. 10-16) — Kirkus.
“It was 2:55 am as I finally gave up on the notion of sleep. Having started reading THE FALL by James Preller earlier in the day, I knew sleep would not come until I had finished Sam’s story. Now, having turned the last page, it still haunts me and will for quite some time.” — Guys Lit Wire.
“I didn’t realize the emotional impact this book had on me until the very last sentence when it brought tears to my eyes. This was a heartbreaking and beautiful story about friendship, bullying, and the aftermath of all of it.” — Expresso Reads.
Thank you, I hope our paths cross again.
James Preller
And yes, Dear Readers, there’s even a postscript — because Susan wrote back with this . . .
I agree with everything that you said about The Fall. Our guidance counselor is halfway through it and says that she absolutely loves it! We both agree that it does not focus on the actual suicide. The theme of forgiveness, as well as students realizing what could possibly happen as a result of bullying is very powerful.
My students are begging me to read it, so I feel almost certain that it will happen!
Thanks again for being so approachable! We met with a parent this morning and all she said her son was talking about last night was the SKYPE with you! This is such a powerful opportunity for our students, and I feel very fortunate that I was able to make it happen!
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