Let’s do this people!
Good afternoon,
I am a 4th grade teacher in Ludlow, Massachusetts. My students have been selecting books to complete projects on and share them with their
peers. Today, 2 students shared your books, The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster and The Case of the Great Sled Race. As the students were sharing facts about you, we all learned that you are from Wantagh! Guess what? I am from Wantagh as well! What a coincidence! Did you attend Wantagh High School? My parents still live there and I go back to visit quite often. My class would love to hear from you! They would like to know the following about you:
* How old were you when you started writing books?
* How did you get interested in writing?
* How do you get the ideas for your books?
* What is the title of your favorite book that you’ve written? Why?
* What was your favorite childhood book and author? Why?
* Do you have a favorite sport? Hopefully you are a New York sports fan!
* What is your favorite color?
We would love to have you visit our school! If you are ever in Western Mass. please contact me! Happy Thanksgiving! We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Elysa B, WHS class of ’91
I replied:
Thanks for your note, and thanks for reading my books in your classroom.
Yes, Wantagh, that’s my old stomping grounds. I did go to Wantagh High School, class of ’79. My parents moved away when I was in college — don’t worry, they told me where they moved! — so I lost my reason for visiting “home.” One of my first jobs was working at Jones Beach, a job I later gave to a character in a YA book, Before You Go. In the book Bystander, I blended the towns Bellmore and Freeport to create “Bellport,” where the book takes place. Sadly, I later learned that there really is a town called Bellport on Long Island. That was mistake I regret, though I think very few people actually noticed or cared.

The alma mater, a little before my time.
Anyway, questions:
1) I wrote, illustrated, and sold books to my neighbors at an early age. In second grade, I teamed up with a friend, William Morris, and we wrote a play together, which we performed for our classroom. It involved bank robbers, as I recall. I published my first “real” book when I was 25 years old, in 1986.
2) I often say that all writers are readers, and that’s true. But even though I am a social creature, comfortable with people, I’ve always needed time alone. That seems significant to me today, because you can’t create anything unless you unplug and spend time alone with your thoughts. For whatever reason, I’ve always carved that out in my life. And during those alone times, I’d often find a pen and a blank page.
3) Ideas are never a problem. They are everywhere. It’s just a matter of opening your eyes and ears. I also read a lot and try to learn something every day. The world is an endlessly amazing place. There are many difficulties when it comes to writing, hard times indeed, but ideas are not one of them.

Cover art from the upcoming Jigsaw Jones book, THE CASE FROM OUTER SPACE (August, 2017, Macmillan).
4) I’m usually most excited by my newest work. I’m very happy with the book that just came out, The Courage Test (grades 4-7). In addition, there’s a new Jigsaw Jones title coming out this summer, The Case from Outer Space (Macmillan) and I’m over the moon about it. I love those characters, and I’m proud of the kindness & gentle humor of those stories.
5) As a kid, I loved a book called Splish, Splash, Splush — about three ducklings who couldn’t swim. I also remember looking at the pictures in a big, fat collection of stories: there were evil genies, a cyclops, men with swords and other fierce creatures. I couldn’t read, but I’d look at those illustrations for hours. Maybe it led, in some subtle way, to my “Scary Tales” stories (just right for 4th grade).
6) I am a big baseball fan, love the game with all my heart. My team is the New York Mets. In 3rd grade, I actually attended the 1969 World Series. I remember it vividly.
7) Favorite color? The older I get, I find that I’m partial to . . . gray. Go figure.

Going gray. Not old. Dignified! Right?
My best,
James Preller
We checked out your blog and were so excited to see that our email exchange is posted! Thank you for posting it! We can’t wait to read your new book! Keep in touch and let us know if you are ever in Western Ma!
Elysa B.
Veterans Park Elementary School
Grade 4
Ludlow, Ma
I’d come to your school if I was invited. Live in Albany, NY, area and love to do school visits. Talk to your librarian and schools in your district for next year. Thank you!