“Will Anybody Be There?” I Wondered

So I was all set for a book signing at BEA (Book Expo America!), and by all set I mean, Showered & Dressed. Beyond that, who knew!

Signings are always dicey and come, like clowns and mimes, with associated horrors. That is, seemingly benign and happy on the outside, but inside lurks a black snake with venom called Public Humiliation.

In other words: “Will anybody show up?”

And even: “Why would they?”

Authors, it’s how we roll.

Fortunately, publishers look out for their authors. So they offer freebies. No, we couldn’t tap a keg or fire up the Weber Grill.

The trick was to offer FREE BOOKS!

That’s those things we love — BOOKS — at the price we like — FREE!

You may wonder, “How do I get a free book?”

Ah, there’s a bit of a catch. A minor hurdle. A rub.

First, you stand on line. Next, you shuffle foreward. Last, you accept a signature from the guy in the chair. Some small talk may be required. A bit of grace. Then, and only then, do you get the free book. That’s the price you pay at BEA.

And seriously, if you don’t get this already, I am sincerely grateful and amazed that anybody would ever show up with a smile, and kind words, and ask for my autograph. Really. The honor is mine.

So I’ll say it again: Thanks.

Hope you like the book!

One comment

  1. Liz S. says:

    That clown is freakin’ me out! It was a great signing. Long line of lucky readers getting a sneak peek.

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