You need to stay to the end for this to make its full impact, and I strongly recommend that you do.
The video was produced by Mama Hope:
Mama Hope is a non-profit organization focused on building self-sufficient communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.Mama Hope partners with Community Based Organizations and invests in high impact, cost effective projects, that meet their fundamental needs for food, water, education and health care. Mama Hope’s successful projects to date have directly benefited over 55,000 people.
You can learn more about Mama Hope’s “Stop the Pity, Unlock the Potential” Campaign by clicking here.
As a personal comment, I believe this video makes a point about all boy stereotypes. Forget, for a moment, that Alex is an African boy in Tanzania. In many respects, he can be any boy, head filled with action movies and explosions and whatnot. But like any boy, he’s much more than the stereotypes will allow. He’s also charming, also hilarious, also bright, also curious, also hopeful, etc. And those whole qualities should be reflected in the range of books to which boys are exposed.
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