On a recent school visit to Middleburgh Elementary, I was handed the day’s schedule by librarian Jeni Friedland. Besides time for lunch, book signings, and the usual author presentations for grades PreK-5, the schedule read:
2:00: Surprise!
I imagined all sorts of things, but real life often far exceeds our imaginings. A first grade class, under the direction of Mrs. Pat Carvin, was all set to put on a play based on my slim picture book, Hiccups for Elephant (Scholastic). It was expanded to include parts for every student, plus all sorts of bonus features — nonfiction elements! dance! song! — thrown in. The cuteness came free with the meal and was overflowing.
I wish I had photos, because it really was a sight to behold. The whole performance was so well done. The acting! The drama! With the permission of Mrs. Carvin, I’ve included the adapted text here. If you’ve got the energy, feel free to use it with your young students.
Just one more comment: Plays offers wonderful ways for students to learn expressive reading. And yet it feels like the classroom play is slowly disappearing. Too many standardized tests? Too much required curriculum for teachers to cover in the classroom? Overworked? Underpaid? I don’t know. But I do know that a good play provides so many positive, creative opportunities for young children. They speak publicly, memorize lines and movements or narrate off to the side, sing and dance, create costumes and scenery, or simply be a part of something fun and wonderful.
I’ve commented before that books are a beginning, not an end. In the hands of a good teacher or parent, a book can lead to remarkable conversations and educational activities. This was exactly such a case, when a fairly simple text served as a springboard for so much active learning. I was honored, touched, and impressed.
So with special thanks to Pat Carvin, and to all the kids in her fabulous 1st grade class, let’s shut off our cell phones, turn down the house lights, and enjoy the show.
* Play adapted from the book, Hiccups for Elephant, by James Preller.
* Poem in play, and monkey speeches, based on the poem, “Hiccup,” by Jack Prelutsky, from the book, It’s Raining Pigs and Noodles (Greenwillow).
* There are 20 parts, one for each student.
NARRATOR 1: Welcome to our play. It is called “Hiccups for Elephant” by James Preller. Before we start, I would like to tell you a little about hiccups. Do you know why we get hiccups and what causes them?
NARRATOR 2: Here’s what we know. A hiccup is an unintentional movement (a spasm) of the diaphragm, the muscle at the base of the lungs. The spasm is followed by quick closure of the vocal cord, which produces a distinctive sound. Lots of things can cause hiccups. A very full stomach can cause bouts of hiccups. Eating too much food too quickly; swallowing too much air; a sudden change in stomach temperature such as drinking a hot beverage; or emotional stress or excitement. If you are able to stop the hiccup right away, great! But if you hiccup more than seven times you’d better settle in for the long haul. Once a hiccup starts you typically hiccup 63 times or more. The hiccup record, last time we checked, was 57 years.
NARRATOR 1: Hope you will enjoy our play. We had to change Mr. Preller’s story a little by adding a few extra characters and some common folk remedies people use to cure the hiccups.
NARRATOR 2: It was naptime. All the animals were fast asleep except for Elephant. He had the hiccups.
NARRATOR 2: Chimp woke up.
CHIMP: I can cure those hiccups. Stand on your head and eat a banana.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try. KA-BOOM! It only made him dizzy.
NARRATOR 2: Lion woke up.
LION: I can cure those hiccups. Drink lots of water very, very fast.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try. He drank and drank and drank and drank.
NARRATOR 2: Zebra woke up.
ZEBRA: I can cure those hiccups. Hold your breath and count to 10 . . . BACKWARDS.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
ELEPHANT: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, …………HICCUP!
NARRATOR 2: Parrot woke up.
PARROT: I can cure those hiccups. Put this sugar cube in your mouth and eat it!
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
NARRATOR 2: Hippo woke up.
HIPPO: I can cure those hiccups. Eat 1 teaspoon of peanut butter. Yum Yum!
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
NARRATOR 2: Deer woke up.
DEER: I can cure those hiccups. Breathe in and out of this small paper bag.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
NARRATOR 2: Frog woke up.
FROG: I can cure those hiccups. Suck this nice SOUR slice of lemon.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
NARRATOR 2: Rabbit woke up.
RABBIT: I can cure those hiccups. Take a few quick swallows of this pineapple juice.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
NARRATOR 2: Snake woke up.
SNAKE: Ssssssss. I can cure those hiccups. Let me SQUEEZE you around your stomach and diaphragm a couple of times.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant (RELUCTANTLY) gave it a try.
NARRATOR 2: Cheetah woke up.
CHEETAH: I can cure your hiccups. Try eating one teaspoon of delicious honey.
NARRATOR 2: Elephant gave it a try.
I have hiccups,
I’ve had them all day.
They’re persistent (hiccup),
And won’t go away.
I’ve tried water, stood on my head,
Held my breath until (hiccup),
My face turned red.MONKEY 1: He’s tried every hiccup cure he could, but it hasn’t done any good.
MONKEY 2: In fact, I think his hiccups are worse, and he may need a doctor or a nurse.
MONKEY 3: He can feel those hiccups way down in his shoes. I think he has the hiccup blues.
MONKEY 4: I’m afraid his insides are going to pop. Someone has got to get those hiccups to stop.
NARRATOR 2: Mouse woke up.
MOUSE: What’s all the noise? I’m trying to sleep.
MONKEY 4: Poor Elephant has the hiccups.
NARRATOR 2: Mouse looked Elephant in the eye . . .
NARRATOR 2: Everyone waited and waited…………. Silence. There were no more hiccups.
MUSICAL INTERLUDE: The students sing the song “The Elephant,” words and music by Hap Palmer.
NARRATOR 2: All the animals fell back to sleep. Except for Elephant.
ELEPHANT: La, La, La, La, La, AH_CHOO! Oh No!!!!!!
NARRATOR 2: The End!
Wild cheers, applause, but alas, no screams of “Author! Author!” All that remained was to congratulate the cast.
Thanks a lot, James! This story is so cool! I used it today with my students, at our storytelling club. I am an ESL teacher, a journalist and a storyteller as well. Your book is simply delightful! Thanks a lot!
Cheers from Brazil!
[…] James Preller: In terms of a single blow-away gesture, one teacher put on a play based on my book, Hiccups for Elephant. [Ed. note: James’ write-up of this event—as well as the script for the play—can be found here (http://www.jamespreller.com/2009/06/14/hiccups-for-elephant-the-play/).] […]