For Mets Fans (and Elliott) Only: IV

Two aerial photos from Chopper 880 — tales of destruction and construction — taken by Tom Kaminski.

Shea Stadium:

Citi Field, where the infield takes shape:


  1. Elliott Cohen says:

    Oh James Preller. Oh, oh, oh. You left this for me and I gotta say this is the best (and most hilarious) thing you’ve ever done. I’m am sorry for ol’ Shea to come down, but that’s just the way things gotta be, right?
    Still your friend,

  2. Jimmy says:

    Honestly, Elliott? I’m not all that sentimental about Shea. Yes, it housed a lot of memories — but memories transport pretty easily. And it was a dump. I’m excited about the new stadium, it’s going to be a lot nicer. I just hope I can afford tickets!

  3. Nijo says:

    Buckner LOVES that first photo!

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