Wednesday came round again this morning, slinking like a feral cat, ribs sticking out and hungry as always, but this time I was ready and now the cat’s in the bag. Today’s piece of mail isn’t technically fan mail — the writer never once mentions how wonderful I am, which I find distressing — but, okay, I can live with that, so here you go.
File this under: “Why I Love the Internet.”
Mr. Preller, I am the one who created the Katrina Video that you posted on your blog site, thanks for the kind words. Mary’s a great artist and the first time I heard that song it just screamed to me to do that video as a tribute to the folks who went thru the Katrina catastrophe.
Thanks for posting it!
Isn’t that cool? These little connections that we make, that come to us from such unexpected sources. Steve and I exchanged a couple of emails and likely that’s the last of it. But it was real, it was good, and I’m glad for it. I’ve watched Steve’s video about five times over the past year and always find it evocative and powerful. The images, the sound, the words. By the way, Mary Gauthier has an incredible life story; for the briefest of accounts, you know where to click.
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