Tag Archive for Great children’s book festivals

Come to the Rochester Children’s Book Festival, Saturday, 11/4 !

Here’s one of life’s surprises: I’ve come to actually love Rochester, NY (and Buffalo, too, while we’re at it; my apologies, Binghamton, I’m not quite there yet, but I’m trying!). So I’m especially thrilled to be participating in the 25th or 26th Annual Rochester Children’s Book Festival this Saturday the 4th.

Arriving Friday night, I’m excited to hang out with some of my long-standing friends in our bloody business — it is, as they say, a bunny eat bunny world — meet young readers, teachers, librarians, parents, sign books, give a dazzling presentation, and even hoist a beverage or two in the evenings — just a terrific weekend all around. Hopefully we’ll meet new friends & co-conspirators along the way.

Jump on this link for all the gory details.

Free parking, people. The whole dang thing is free!

(Except, you know, don’t forget to bring that little plastic credit card! There are writers & illustrators & READERS to support!)