Fan Mail Wednesday #288: Robbie Follows Up


This is from a particularly enthusiastic boy I met on a school visit in Vermont . . .


I replied . . .


Dear Robbie:

Dude, I totally remember your bright energy and enthusiasm. You had a “lean in” quality, engaged and alert. Why do you think I made sure to give you one of my books? I can’t do that for everyone, but something about you stood out and it felt right. Besides, those books are heavy. You lightened my load.

I hope we do get to meet again. I loved visiting VT and don’t often get invited to speak at Vermont schools. Nobody knows why! Fingers crossed, maybe that changes in the future.

Listen: I don’t often receive thank you notes after the fact. Sad, but true. It’s a good thing to do, to sit down and let someone know that you SEE them, that you appreciate what they do. In life, I’m convinced it’s all most of us ever want. To be seen, to be recognized, to be valued. This is true for everybody. Friends, relatives, teachers, janitors -– the list goes on forever.

You did good, Robbie.

Thank you. Keep reading, keep writing, keep on being the good young man you already are. I predict great things for you!

My best, your friend,

James Preller

P.S. Say “Hi” to Mrs. Moulton for me.

P.P.S. Love the SASE (Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope). I appreciate that!


  1. Robbie says:

    Hi Mr. Preller!
    What you wrote to me really mean’t a lot, I’m actually studying you for my class project! I have one question for you, are you going to, and are you willing, to add on to the scary tales series? I just think that your a really talented writer who should keep adding on to the series! Here’s an idea, CLOWNS. A child’s worst nightmare! I’m thinking you could call it Psycho Circus? I don’t know, just a suggestion!
    Keep on writing!

    • jimmy says:

      Robbie, yes, clowns are terrifying, great idea. My publisher seems content for now with 6 books in the “Scary Tales” series. I’d love to do more, but for now there are no plans. I do think I’d like to write another scary story sometime in the future — maybe something scarier for slightly older readers.

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